国际通风设计标准 DW-144 2013版

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Second Edition 2013
DW144 (11112) Dec13 PART 1_Layout 1 16/05/2014 16:05 Page 1
Licensed copy from CIS: tomsnelling@hoarelea.com, HOARE LEA & PARTNERS, 26/11/2014, Uncontrolled Copy.
DW144 (11112) Dec13 PART 1_Layout 1 16/05/2014 16:05 Page 2
Licensed copy from CIS: tomsnelling@hoarelea.com, HOARE LEA & PARTNERS, 26/11/2014, Uncontrolled Copy.
Specication for
Sheet Metal Ductwork
Low, medium and high
pressure/velocity air systems
Copyright © 2013 by the
Building & Engineering Services Association
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-0-903783-64-4
Publishing History:
First Edition (1998)
Second Edition (2013)
Further copies of this publication are available from:
B&ES Publications
Old Mansion House, Eamont Bridge,
Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 2BX
Tel: 01768 860405, Fax: 01768 860401
Email: b-espublications@welplan.co.uk
Note: This document is based on knowledge available at the time of publication and is meant for
general purposes, not for reliance on in relation to specic technical or legal issues, in which case
you should always seek independent advice. No responsibility of any kind for any injury, death,
loss, damage or delay however caused, resulting from the use of the advice and recommendations
contained herein, is accepted by the authors or others involved in its publication (including the
Building & Engineering Services Association).
DW144 (11112) Dec13 PART 1_Layout 1 16/05/2014 16:05 Page 3
Licensed copy from CIS: tomsnelling@hoarelea.com, HOARE LEA & PARTNERS, 26/11/2014, Uncontrolled Copy.
Building & Engineering Services Association
Bob Lane Peter Rogers 
Chairman Chairman
Executive Committee Technical Committee
Ductwork Group Ductwork Group
Since its publication in 1998, the Associations Specication for Sheet
Metal Ductwork –DW/144 – has gained national and international
recognition as the standard against which the quality of ductwork
manufacture and installation can be measured.
However, developments in technology and working practices, along with
the need to reect a steady proliferation of European standards, have
rendered necessary a far-reaching revision of the original edition.
This second edition is the result of many years of work by members of the
Technical Committee of the B&ES Ductwork Group (DWG), who have
expanded the content on such subjects as:
supports and hangers;
smoke and re dampers;
external ductwork;
internal duct linings;
thermal insulation;
air terminal units;
re-resisting ductwork;
ductwork for swimming pools, etc.
Of course, a key element of any such review is to ensure that the
specication continues to oer realistic benchmarks to which all
individuals and organisations are able to perform.
DW/144 now incorporates B&ES publication, Acceptance Scheme for New
Products: Rectangular Cross Joint Classication (DW/TM1), which
establishes performance ratings for both air leakage and deection for
In order to validate the parameters set out in DW/144, B&ES has
undertaken extensive testing against recently-introduced CEN
requirements to measure panel/ange deection and air leakage testing.
Testing has also been undertaken to determine the lifespan of untreated
spot welds over a 30-year period.
The results have allowed the DWG Technical Committee to make a
number of recommendations in relation to the construction of ductwork
which oer a signicant commercial advantage. These include:
Dec 2013
B Peter Rogers
Executive Committee Technical Committee
Ductwork Group Ductwork Group
Dec 2013
B Peter Rogers
Executive Committee Technical Committee
Ductwork Group Ductwork Group
DW144 (11112) Dec13 PART 1_Layout 1 16/05/2014 16:05 Page 2
Licensed copy from CIS: tomsnelling@hoarelea.com, HOARE LEA & PARTNERS, 26/11/2014, Uncontrolled Copy.

DW144 标准是英国制造业排气通风工作委员会(The Heating & Ventilating Contractors’ Association)发布的一个通风系统设计和安装的标准,是通风系统领域的重要标准。它主要用于规范通风系统的设计、安装,为确保系统的安全性、高效性提供依据。主要适用于商业、工业和住宅建筑中的通风系统,包括空调和暖通系统、烟气排放系统、厨房排气系统、通风管道等。

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作者:那山那人那狗 分类:国外协会 价格:20星币 属性:208 页 大小:8.42MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-06


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