AOAC Method 2016年第20版 分析化学检测方法 前言+目录

Ocial Methods
of Analysis
20th Edition, 2016
Dr. George W. Latimer, Jr.
Published by
Copyrighted material licensed to DAYNA DAVIS on 2017-03-07 for licensee's use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC,
Copyright © 1920, 1925, 1931, 1936, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965
by the Association of Ofcial Agricultural Chemists
1970, 1975, 1980, 1984, 1990
by the Association of Ofcial Analytical Chemists
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016
The methods of the Association were also copyrighted in 1916, when they were published
in the Journal of the Association of Ofcial Agricultural Chemists.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without the written permission of the Association.
Printed in the United States of America
Printed on acid-free paper
ISBN 0-935584-87-0
A copy of the 20th Edition of this publication is on le with the Ofce of the Federal Register.
U.S. Government Agencies may apply to the Director of the Ofce of the Federal Register for
approval to incorporate this edition by reference in their regulations. The procedures that Federal
agencies must follow in applying for the Director’s approval are in Title 1, Part 51, of the Code of
Federal Regulations.
Copyrighted material licensed to DAYNA DAVIS on 2017-03-07 for licensee's use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC,
Ofcial Methods of
20th Edition (2016)
Front Maer Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®):
AOAC SMPR® 2011.009 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Cr, Mo, and Se in Infant Formula
and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
Revised January 2015 to correct Table 1, footnote b, to read: “µg/kg reconstuted nal product”
AOAC SMPR® 2011.011 Standard Method Performance Requirements for in vitro Determinaon of Total
Anoxidant Acvity in Foods, Beverages, Food Ingredients, and Dietary Supplements
Approved by AOAC Stakeholder Panel on Strategic Foods Analycal Method (SPSFAM) and revised March
2013 to not require establishing equivalency of results
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.001 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Flavanols in Foods and
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.002 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Whey Protein:Casein Rao
in Infant Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.003 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin A in Preblends,
Premixes, and Pure Materials
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.004 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin D in Preblends,
Premixes, and Pure Materials
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.005 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin E in Preblends,
Premixes, and Pure Materials
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.006 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin K in Preblends,
Premixes, and Pure Materials
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.007 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Heavy Metals in a Variety
of Foods and Beverages
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.008 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Iodine in Infant Formula
and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.009 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Pantothenic Acid in Infant
Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.010 Standard Method Performance Requirements for L-Carnine in Infant
Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.011 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Fay Acids, Including
LCPUFAs, in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.012 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin C in Infant Formula
and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2012.013 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Total Choline in Infant
Formula and Adult Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2013.001 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Hypericins, Hyperforins,
and Flavonoids in St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Other Hypericum spp.
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.001 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Vitamin K in Infant Formula
and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.002 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Fructans in Infant Formula
and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.003 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Galactooligosaccharides
(GOS) in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.004 Standard Method
Performance Requirements for Minerals and Trace
Elements in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric
Nutrional Formula
If you have any questions of a technical
nature or suggestions for editorial changes,
please e-mail us at
Copyrighted material licensed to DAYNA DAVIS on 2017-03-07 for licensee's use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC,
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.005 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Bion in Infant Formula
and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.006 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Detecon and Idencaon
of Variola Virus in Aerosol Collecon Filters and/or Liquids
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.007 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Authencaon of Selected
Vaccinium species (Anthocyanins) in Dietary Ingredients and Dietary Supplements
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.008 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Screening Method for
Selected Adulterants in Dietary Ingredients and Supplements Containing Chondroin Sulfate
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.009 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Total Chondroin Sulfate in
Dietary Ingredients and Supplements
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.010 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Idencaon of
Phosphodiesterase Type 5 (PDE5) Inhibitors in Dietary Ingredients and Supplements
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.011 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Quantave Methods for
Determinaon of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 (PDE5) Inhibitors in Dietary Ingredients and Supplements
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.012 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Screening Methods for
Phosphodiesterase Type 5 (PDE5) Inhibitors in Dietary Ingredients and Supplements
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.013 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Amino Acids in Infant and
Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.014 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Selected Carotenoids in
Infant and Adult/ Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.015 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Chloride in Infant and
Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.016 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Fluoride in Infant and
Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2014.017 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Detecon of Salmonella
species in Romaine Leuce and Baby Spinach
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.001 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Sodium Fluoroacetate
(“Compound 1080”) in Infant Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.002 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Total Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.003 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Total Vitamin B2 (Riboavin)
in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.004 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Total Vitamin B3 (Niacin) in
Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.005 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Total Vitamin B6
(Pyridoxine) in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutrional Formula
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.006 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Quantaon of Arsenic
Species in Selected Foods and Beverages
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.007 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Withanolide Glycosides and
Aglycones of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.008 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Alkaloids of Mitragyna
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.009 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Esmaon of Total Phenolic
Content Using the Folin-C Assay
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.010 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Idencaon of Selected
Cinnamomum spp. Bark in Dietary Supplement Raw Materials and/or Finished Products
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.011 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Detecon of Coxiella
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.012 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Idencaon of
Venezuelan Equine Encephalis Virus
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.013 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Detecon of Staphylococcal
enterotoxin B
NEW AOAC SMPR® 2015.014 Standard Method Performance Requirements for Determinaon of
Catechins, Methyl Xanthines, Theaavins, and Theanines in Tea Dietary Ingredients and Supplements
Copyrighted material licensed to DAYNA DAVIS on 2017-03-07 for licensee's use only. No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC,
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