AOAC Method 2016年第20版 分析化学检测方法 Subject Index

Subject Index
3M Molecular detection assay
Listeria in foods and environmental
surfaces, Ch 17, pp 293–302
Salmonella in foods, Ch 17, pp 232–
3M Petrilm methods
enumeration of aerobic bacteria in
food, Ch 17, pp 29–30
rapid S. aureus count plate method,
enumeration of S. aureus in
selected foods, Ch 17, pp 104–106
rapid yeast and mold count plate,
Ch 17, pp 26–28
Salmonella Express System, Ch 17,
pp 239–242
Staph Express Count plate method,
enumeration of S. aureus in foods,
Ch 17, pp 106–110
staphylococcal enterotoxins in selected
foods, Ch 17, pp 99–101
3M TECRA Listeria enrichment broth
Listeria in foods, Ch 17, pp 260–263
3M TECRA Listeria visual immunoassay
Listeria in foods, Ch 17, pp 257–263
Salmonella in foods, Ch 17, pp 182–
3M TECRA Salmonella visual
Salmonella in foods, Ch 17, pp 158–
161, 182–186
3M TECRA SET method
polyvalent, Staphylococcal enterotoxins
in selected foods, Ch 17, pp 99–101
AACC-AOAC methods. see also AOAC-
AACC methods
Ch 49, pp 14–15
Ch 49,
pp 5–6
cereals, Ch 32, pp 21–22
b-D-glucan in oats, Ch 32, pp 66–69
niacin and niacinamide in foods, drugs,
and feeds, Ch 45, pp 19–21
preparations, Ch 45, pp 15–17
starch in cereals, Ch 32, pp 57–58
zearalenone in corn, Ch 32, p 57;
Ch 49, p 85
Abbé Refractometer
index of refraction of oils and fats,
Ch 41, pp 3–4
Abbreviations, xxviii–xxix
nomograph relating absorbance,
concentration, and absorptivity,
App C, p 72
nomograph relating absorbance,
concentration, and absorptivity,
App C, p 72
in drugs, Ch 19, pp 20–22
in fruits and vegetables, Ch 10,
pp 10–12
in technical material and soluble
powder pesticide formulations,
Ch 7, pp 128–129
in frozen vegetables, Ch 42, pp 12–13
in drug tablets, Ch 19, p 8
in drugs, Ch 19, pp 7–9
in drugs, Ch 19, pp 9–10; Ch 20, pp 4,
7, 16
Acetic acid
in aspirin, Ch 19, p 11
in bread, Ch 32, pp 73–74
in cake, Ch 32, p 77
critical temperature for dissolution of
fat, Ch 31, p 11
in eggs, Ch 34, pp 11–12
in seafood, Ch 35, pp 14–15
Acetic serum method
water (added) in milk, Ch 33, p 30
in distilled liquors, Ch 26, p 15
in drugs, Ch 18, p 2
Acetone extract
Ch 4, p 41
Acetone extraction method
Ch 35, pp 11–12
Acetone peroxides
in baking premixes, Ch 47, p 50
Acetonitrile extraction
pesticide residues in foods, Ch 10,
pp 17–27
Acetonitrile partitioning
organochlorine and organophosphorus
pesticide residues, Ch 10, pp 6–7
Acetyl value
of oils and fats, Ch 41, p 5
in feeds, Ch 5, pp 1–2
Acetylation methods
2,5-diaminotoluene in hair preparations,
Ch 15, p 13
hydroxyl value of oils and fats, Ch 41,
p 6
paraphenylenediamine in hair
preparations, Ch 15, p 13
phenylephrine hydrochloride in drugs,
Ch 18, p 22
in drugs, Ch 19, p 13
Acid detergent ber
in animal feed, Ch 4, pp 47–49
in forages, Ch 4, pp 32–33
Acid-forming qualities
of fertilizers, Ch 2, p 41
Acid fuchsin D color additive, Ch 46,
p 9
Acid hydrolysis methods
amino acids in feeds, Ch 4, pp 9–19
copper-reducing substances in spices,
Ch 43, p 2
fat in bread, Ch 32, p 75
fat in cereal products, Ch 32, pp 47–52
fat in eggs, Ch 34, p 3
fat in macaroni products, Ch 32, p 79
fat in seafood, Ch 35, p 11
Ch 32, p 5
tissues, Ch 16, p 26
Ch 16, p 25
phenacetin and phenyl salicylate in
drugs, Ch 19, p 11
starch in animal feed, Ch 4, pp 56–57
starch in baking powders, Ch 25,
pp 3–4
starch in cacao products, Ch 31, p 15
Acid-insoluble matter
in salt, Ch 11, p 32
Acid-insoluble residue method
soil in frozen spinach, Ch 16, p 42
Acid value
of butterfat, Ch 33, p 76
Acidic drugs, Ch 19, pp 1–2
Acidied foods
pH of, Ch 42, pp 2–3
Acidity. see also Fat acidity
of animal feed, (water-soluble), Ch 4,
p 60
of beer, Ch 27, pp 6–7
of brewing sugars and syrups, Ch 27,
pp 37–38
of cheese, Ch 33, p 85
of cordials and liqueurs, Ch 26, p 21
of corn syrups and sugars, Ch 44,
pp 50–51
of ether extract of eggs, Ch 34, p 7
of food dressings, Ch 43, p 9
of fruit products, Ch 37, pp 10–11
in gelatin dessert powders, Ch 38, p 2
of honey, Ch 44, pp 36–37
of milk, Ch 33, p 7
in nonalcoholic beverages, Ch 29,
pp 1– 2
of prepared mustard, Ch 43, p 7
of roasted coffee, Ch 30, p 2
of tragacanth drugs, Ch 20, p 33
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Index, p. 2
of water, Ch 11, pp 2–3
of wines, Ch 28, pp 9–11
of wort, Ch 27, p 39
Acids. see also Fatty acids
in beer, Ch 27, p 7
in bread, Ch 32, p 74
in butter, Ch 33, p 79
in canned vegetables, Ch 42, p 8
concentrated corrosive, safe handling
of, App B, pp 2–3
in cordials and liqueurs, Ch 26, p 21
in cream, Ch 33, p 65
in distilled liquors, Ch 26, p 9
free, in color additives, Ch 46, p 26
in hops, Ch 27, p 35
insoluble, in oils and fats, Ch 41, p 12
in nonalcoholic beverages, Ch 29, p 1
polyunsaturated, in oils and fats,
Ch 41, pp 16–19
soluble, in oils and fats, Ch 41, p 12
various strength solutions of, App C,
p 41
in vinegars, Ch 43, p 12
volatile, in oils and fats, Ch 41, pp 14–
in aconite root, Ch 20, p 25
Aconitum alkaloids
in dietary supplements and raw
botanical materials, Ch 51, pp 7–10
Acrylamide disc electrophoresis
Ch 35,
pp 28–29
in food, Ch 48, pp 6–7
Adamkiewicz test
protein in animal feed, Ch 4, p 24
Additives. see also Color additives
in animal feed, Ch 4, pp 77–85
Additives, avoring
in vanilla extract, Ch 36, pp 10–11
Adenosine 5ʹ-monophosphate
in infant formula and adult/pediatric
nutritional formula, Ch 50, pp 70–72
Adipose tissue
hexachlorobenzene and mirex pesticide
residues in, Ch 10, p 83
Adrenocortico steroids, Ch 21, pp 8–14
Adsorption indicator method
quaternary ammonium compounds,
Ch 7, p 133
Adult nutritional formula
calcium in, Ch 50, pp 124–128
carnitine (free and total) in, Ch 50,
pp 122–124
chloride in, Ch 50, pp 162–167
choline and carnitine (free and total) in,
Ch 50, pp 132–134
choline in, Ch 50, pp 124–128
choline/carnitine in, simultaneous
determination of, Ch 50, pp 128–
chromium in, Ch 50, pp 68–70, 160–
162, 180–181
copper in, Ch 50, pp 160–162
folate in, Ch 50, pp 38–43, 111–114
guidelines for single-laboratory
validation, App L, p 1
iodine (total) in, Ch 50, pp 137–145,
iron in, Ch 50, pp 160–162
labeled fatty acids content in, Ch 50,
pp 103–110, 189–196
magnesium in, Ch 50, pp 160–162
manganese in, Ch 50, pp 160–162
minerals and trace elements in, Ch 50,
pp 160–162
molybdenum in, Ch 50, pp 68–70,
160–162, 180–181
5′-mononucleotides in, Ch 50, pp 70–
72, 181–184
myo-inositol (free and bound as
phosphatidylinositol) in, Ch 50,
pp 63–68, 174–179
myo-inositol (free and total) in, Ch 50,
pp 134–137
nucleotides in, Ch 50, pp 72–74
pantothenic acid in, Ch 50, pp 89–90,
phosphorus in, Ch 50, pp 160–162
potassium in, Ch 50, pp 160–162
selenium in, Ch 50, pp 68–70, 160–
162, 180–181
sodium in, Ch 50, pp 160–162
vitamin A in, Ch 50, pp 43–46, 63,
77–86, 184–189
vitamin B12 in, Ch 50, pp 46–54, 63,
95–97, 169–174
vitamin C in, Ch 50, pp 90–95, 97–98
vitamin D in, Ch 50, pp 54–56
vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 in, Ch 50,
pp 56, 86–89
vitamin E in, Ch 50, pp 81–86, 184–189
trans-vitamin K1 in, Ch 50, pp 98–103
zinc in, Ch 50, pp 160–162
beef and poultry adulteration of meat
products, Ch 39, pp 26–27
in spices, Ch 43, pp 5–6
Aerobic plate counts
Ch 17, pp 29–30
bacteria in chilled, frozen, precooked,
or prepared foods, Ch 17, pp 4–5
bacteria in nut meats, Ch 17, pp 4–5
bacterial and coliform counts in dairy
products, Ch 17, pp 32–33
bacterial and coliform counts in milk,
Ch 17, pp 31–32
Ch 17,
p 12
microorganisms in foods, Ch 17,
pp 9–12
pectin gel method, Ch 17, pp 11–12
SimPlate Total Plate Count-Color
Indicator method, Ch 17, pp 12–16
Afnity liquid chromatographic
bovine immunoglobulin G analysis in
bovine colostrum, milk powders,
and dietary supplements of bovine
origin, Ch 33, pp 62–64
Afnity quantitative determinations
Ch 33,
pp 46–47
Aa-20 Cup test
Ch 49, pp 13–14
Aatest method
peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 21–23
Aatoxin B1
in baby food, Ch 49, pp 37–40
in cattle feed, Ch 49, pp 40–42
in corn, Ch 49, pp 13–24
in corn, cottonseed, peanuts, and
peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 7–9
in cottonseed products, Ch 49, p 28
in eggs, Ch 49, pp 28–29
Ch 49, pp 34–37
in foods and feeds, Ch 49, pp 5–6
in ginseng and ginger, Ch 49, pp 42–46
Ch 49, pp 30–33
in liver, Ch 49, pp 48–50
in mixed feed, Ch 49, p 28
in olive oil, peanut oil, and sesame oil,
Ch 49, pp 53–57
in paprika powder, Ch 49, pp 34–37
in peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 19–24,
in peanuts, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 15–19,
in pistachio paste, Ch 49, pp 34–37
toxicity of, Ch 49, pp 33–34
Aatoxin B2
in corn, Ch 49, pp 13–17, 19–24
in corn, cottonseed, peanuts, and
peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 7–9
Ch 49, pp 34–37
in foods and feeds, Ch 49, pp 5–6
in ginseng and ginger, Ch 49, pp 42–46
in olive oil, peanut oil, and sesame oil,
Ch 49, pp 53–57
in paprika powder, Ch 49, pp 34–37
in peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 19–24,
in peanuts, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 15–19,
in pistachio paste, Ch 49, pp 34–37
Aatoxin G1
in corn, Ch 49, pp 15–17, 19–24
in corn, cottonseed, peanuts, and
peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 7–9
Ch 49, pp 34–37
in foods and feeds, Ch 49, pp 5–6
in ginseng and ginger, Ch 49, pp 42–46
in olive oil, peanut oil, and sesame oil,
Ch 49, pp 53–57
in paprika powder, Ch 49, pp 34–37
in peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 19–24,
in peanuts, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 15–19,
in pistachio paste, Ch 49, pp 34–37
Aatoxin G2
in corn, Ch 49, pp 15–17, 19–24
Ch 49, pp 34–37
in foods and feeds, Ch 49, pp 5–6
in ginseng and ginger, Ch 49, pp 42–46
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Index, p. 3
in olive oil, peanut oil, and sesame oil,
Ch 49, pp 53–57
in paprika powder, Ch 49, pp 34–37
in peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 19–24,
in peanuts, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 15–19,
in pistachio paste, Ch 49, pp 34–37
Aatoxin M1
in cheese, Ch 49, pp 47–48
in dairy products, Ch 49, p 47
Ch 49, pp 50–53
in liver, Ch 49, pp 48–50
in milk and cheese, Ch 49, pp 47–48
in milk and powdered milk, Ch 33, p 38
Aatoxin M2
Ch 49, pp 50–52
in almonds, Ch 49, pp 26–28
in baby food, Ch 49, pp 37–40
in brazil nuts, Ch 49, pp 26–28
in cattle feed, Ch 49, pp 40–42
in cocoa beans, Ch 49, p 13
in coconut, copra, and copra meal,
Ch 49, p 13
in corn, Ch 49, pp 6–9, 13–24, 26–28
in cottonseed and cottonseed products,
Ch 49, pp 7–9, 24–26, 28
in dairy products, Ch 49, p 47
in eggs, Ch 49, pp 28–29
Ch 49, pp 34–37
Ch 49, pp 50–53
in food and feeds, Ch 49, pp 5–6
in ginseng and ginger, Ch 49, pp 42–46
in green coffee, Ch 49, p 30
Ch 49, pp 5, 30–33
in liver, Ch 49, pp 48–50
in milk and cheese, Ch 49, pp 47–48
in paprika powder, Ch 49, pp 34–37
in peanut butter, Ch 49, pp 7–9, 11, 13,
19–24, 34–37
in peanuts and peanut products, Ch 49,
pp 6–12, 15–19, 21–24, 26–28
in pistachio nuts, Ch 49, pp 26–28, 30
in pistachio paste, Ch 49, pp 34–37
sampling of, Ch 49, pp 2–3
in soybeans, Ch 49, p 30
standards preparation, Ch 49, pp 3–5
toxicity of, Ch 49, pp 33–34
in meat, Ch 39, p 24
Agar diffusion assay
neomycin in feeds, Ch 5, pp 73–74
Agglutination test method
S. aureus isolated from foods, Ch 17,
pp 102–104
Agri-Screen method
1 in corn and roasted
peanuts, Ch 49, pp 17–19
zearalenone in corn, wheat, and feed,
Ch 49, pp 86–88
Agricultural liming materials. see
Liming materials
Air capacity
of peat, Ch 2, pp 55–56
Air detection system
Bacillus anthracis in aerosol collection
samples, Ch 17, p 318–321
Air drying methods
moisture in meat, Ch 39, p 1
Air oven methods
moisture in cereal adjuncts, Ch 27,
p 32
solids and moisture in macaroni
products, Ch 32, p 78
Ch 32, p 1
solids in dried yeast, Ch 27, p 41
solids in milk, Ch 33, pp 39–40
Air volume. see Volume
in feeds, Ch 5, pp 2–3
Ch 10,
pp 42–48
in pesticide formulations, Ch 7,
pp 68–70
in soft drinks and sports drinks, Ch 10,
pp 114–122
in feeds, Ch 4, pp 9–19
Alaska King Crab Marketing and
Control Board-AOAC method
drained weight of frozen crabmeat,
Ch 35, pp 6–7
Alba red color additive, Ch 46, p 9
in evaporated milk, Ch 33, p 70
in liquid eggs, Ch 34, p 2
in milk, Ch 33, p 16
Albuminoid nitrogen
in feeds, Ch 4, p 37
Alcohol. see also Ethyl alcohol
in almond extract, Ch 36, p 22
in anise and nutmeg extracts, Ch 36,
p 24
in beer, Ch 27, p 4
in cassia, cinnamon, and clove
extracts, Ch 36, p 24
in cordials and liqueurs, Ch 26, p 19
in distilled liquors, Ch 26, pp 3–6
extract of spices, Ch 43, p 2
preparations, Ch 36, p 25
Ch 36, p 1
in fruit products, Ch 37, p 4
in ginger extract, Ch 36, p 24
in lemon, orange, and lime extracts,
Ch 36, p 16
in nonalcoholic beverages, Ch 29, p 1
in peppermint, spearmint, and
wintergreen extracts, Ch 36, p 24
precipitate in fruit products, Ch 37,
pp 9–10
in syrups used in confectionery, Ch 44,
p 25
in vanilla extract, Ch 36, p 1
in vinegars, Ch 43, p 13
by volume in liqueurs and alcoholic
dairy products, Ch 26, pp 19–20
in wines, Ch 28, pp 1–3
Alcohol method
solids (total) in yeast, Ch 27, p 40
Alcohol tables
calculating percentages of alcohol by
volume at 15.56°C in mixtures of
ethyl alcohol and water, App C,
pp 7–12
Alcoholic beverages. see also Beer;
Cordials and liqueurs; Distilled
liquors; Malt beverages and brewing
materials; Wines
benzoic acid in, Ch 47, pp 17–18
ethyl carbamate in, Ch 28, pp 15–17
Alcoholic products
denaturants (volatile) in, Ch 8, p 1
in drugs, Ch 18, p 2
Alcohols, higher
in distilled liquors, Ch 26, pp 13–14
as acetaldehyde in frozen vegetables,
Ch 42, pp 12–13
in cordials and liqueurs, Ch 26, p 20
in distilled liquors, Ch 26, pp 9–11
in lemon and orange oils, Ch 36,
pp 20–21
in lemon, orange, and lime extracts,
Ch 36, pp 18–19
in wines, Ch 28, p 13
Ch 10,
pp 52–55
in grapes and potatoes, Ch 10,
pp 55–58
in pesticide formulations, Ch 7, p 25
Aldicarb sulfone
Ch 10,
pp 52–55
in grapes and potatoes, Ch 10,
pp 55–58
Aldicarb sulfoxide
Ch 10,
pp 52–55
multiresidue methods, Ch 10, pp 1–10
in pesticide formulations, Ch 7,
pp 71–72
in soft drinks and sports drinks, Ch 10,
pp 122–134
in water, Ch 10, pp 29–33
Alfalfa leaves
Ch 16, pp 44–47
in chocolate beverages, Ch 29, p 6
in chocolate frozen desserts, Ch 33,
p 97
in chocolate products, Ch 31, p 16
in food dressings, Ch 43, p 11
Alimentary pastes
Ch 16, pp 27–28
Alizarin cyanine green F color additive,
Ch 46, p 7
Alizurol purple SS color additive, Ch 46,
pp 9–10
safe handling of, App B, pp 3–4
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Index, p. 4
various strength solutions of, App C,
p 41
Alkalimeter, Knorr
carbon dioxide in liming materials,
Ch 1, p 3
Alkalimetric ammonium
molybdophosphate method
phosphorus in animal feed, Ch 4, p 69
Alkalimetric methods
quinolinium molybdophosphate,
phosphorus (available) in fertilizers,
Ch 2, p 11
quinolinium molybdophosphate,
phosphorus (citrate-insoluble) in
fertilizers, Ch 2, p 10
quinolinium molybdophosphate,
phosphorus (total) in fertilizers,
Ch 2, p 7
quinolinium molybdophosphate,
phosphorus (water-soluble) in
fertilizers, Ch 2, p 9
Alkaline hydrolysis method
phenacetin and phenyl salicylate in
drugs, Ch 19, p 11
Alkaline phosphatase activity
Ch 33, pp 45–46
Alkaline phosphatase test
mammalian feces, Ch 16, pp 65–68
of ash of cacao products, Ch 31, p 2
of ash of canned vegetables, Ch 42,
p 6
of ash of confectionery, Ch 44, p 23
of ash of dry skim milk, Ch 33, p 72
of ash of maple products, Ch 44, p 38
of ash of sugars and syrups, Ch 44, p 3
of ash of vinegar, Ch 43, p 12
of ash of wines, Ch 28, p 6
of water, Ch 11, p 3
Alkaloid drugs. see also specic drugs
chinchona, Ch 20, pp 16–18
ephedra, Ch 20, pp 9–11
ergot, Ch 20, pp 11–14
ipecac, Ch 20, pp 8–9
opium, Ch 20, pp 1–6
physostigmine, Ch 20, pp 14–16
Ch 20, pp 18–25
titration factors, Ch 20, p 1
tropane, Ch 20, pp 6–7
xanthine, Ch 18, p 53; Ch 20, pp 7–8
in drugs, microchemical tests, Ch 18,
pp 44–47
sabadilla, in pesticide formulations,
Ch 7, pp 67–68
in tobacco, Ch 3, pp 35–37
norepinephrine in preparations of
epinephrine, Ch 18, pp 21–22
phenylalkanolamine salts in elixirs and
syrups, Ch 18, p 26
phenylephrine hydrochloride in drugs,
Ch 18, pp 22–25
phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride in
drugs, Ch 18, pp 25–26
Alkoxyl groups
microchemical determination, Ch 12,
pp 12–14
Allergenic extracts
in drugs, Ch 20, pp 33–34
Allergens, food
validation procedures for quantitative
ELISA methods, App M, pp 1–8
d-trans-, in pesticide formulations,
Ch 7, p 57
technical and pesticide formulations,
Ch 7, pp 56–57
in drug tablets, Ch 19, pp 32–33
essential oil in extract, Ch 36, p 25
Ch 16, pp 44–47
tannin in, Ch 43, p 3
Allyl isothiocyanate
in mustard seed, Ch 43, p 5
Almond extract
alcohol in, Ch 36, p 22
benzaldehyde in, Ch 36, pp 22–23
benzoic acid in, Ch 36, p 23
hydrocyanic acid in, Ch 36, p 23
nitrobenzene in, Ch 36, p 23
Almond paste
benzoic acid and sorbic acid in, Ch 47,
pp 19–20
Ch 49, pp 26–28
Salmonella in, Ch 17, pp 224–228
in drugs, Ch 20, p 31
Alphazurine FG color additive, Ch 46,
p 6
Alternating current spark excitation
metals in plants, Ch 3, pp 4–5
Alumina column chromatographic
hydrocarbons (saturated) in glycerides,
Ch 41, p 56
vitamin D in mixed feeds, premixes,
and pet foods, Ch 45, pp 33–34
Ch 2, p 42
in baking powders, Ch 25, pp 4–5
in deodorants, Ch 15, pp 6–7
in face powders, (total), Ch 15, p 13
in liming materials, Ch 1, p 7
in plants, Ch 3, pp 2–5, 7
in solid wastes, Ch 9, pp 52–55
in water, Ch 11, pp 14, 15
in waters and wastewaters, Ch 9,
pp 55–68
Aluminum oxide
in face powders, (total), Ch 15, p 13
in liming materials, Ch 1, p 5
Aluminum sulfate-type soil acidiers
aluminum in, Ch 2, p 42
Amaranth color additive
in foods, Ch 46, pp 1–2
American Association of Cereal
Chemists. see AACC-AOAC
methods; AOAC-AACC methods
American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists--AOAC method
antimony in foods, Ch 9, p 28
American Oil Chemists Society. see
American Society of Enologists-AOAC
acidity (titratable) of wines, Ch 28,
pp 9–10
American Spice Trade Association-
AOAC method
piperine in pepper preparations, Ch 43,
pp 6–7
American Water Works Association
method. see AOAC-American Water
Works Association method
Ch 10,
pp 42–48
in pesticide formulations, Ch 7, p 50
Amido nitrogen
in feeds, Ch 4, p 37
in color additives, Ch 46, p 14
in drugs, microchemical tests, Ch 18,
pp 44–47
Amino acid prole/ratio
calculation of whey protein in milk-
based infant formulas, Ch 50,
pp 114–119
Amino acids. see also individual amino
feed grade, lysine, methionine, and
threonine in, Ch 4, pp 20–24
in feeds, Ch 4, pp 9–24
in lemon juice, Ch 37, pp 20–21
sulfur, in food, feed ingredients, and
processed foods, Ch 45, p 87
in vitamin preparations, Ch 45, pp 62–
Amino acids calculation method
whey protein in milk-based infant
Ch 50,
pp 119–121
in feeds, Ch 5, p 4
Aminobenzoate drugs, Ch 18, pp 28–32
p-Aminobenzoic acid
in feeds, Ch 5, pp 3–4
technical and pesticide formulations,
Ch 7, pp 25–26
Aminomethylphosphonic acid
in crops, Ch 10, pp 77–82
in environmental water, Ch 10, pp 76–
in drugs, Ch 19, p 15
in drugs, Ch 19, p 11; Ch 20, pp 11–12
p-Aminosalicylic acid
in drugs, Ch 19, pp 2–3
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