美国临床最新药敏试验标准34版 CLSI M100-2024 Performance Standards for Antimicrobial

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Performance Standards for Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Testing
CLSI M100 includes updated tables for the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
antimicrobial susceptibility testing standards CLSI M02, M07, and M11.
A CLSI supplement for global application.
34th Edition
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
Setting the standard for quality in medical laboratory testing around the world.
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) is a not-for-prot membership organization that brings
together the varied perspectives and expertise of the worldwide laboratory community for the advancement of a
common cause: to foster excellence in laboratory medicine by developing and implementing medical laboratory
standards and guidelines that help laboratories fulll their responsibilities with efficiency, effectiveness, and global
Consensus Process
Consensusthe substantial agreement by materially affected, competent, and interested partiesis core to the
development of all CLSI documents. It does not always connote unanimous agreement but does mean that the
participants in the development of a consensus document have considered and resolved all relevant objections
and accept the resulting agreement.
Commenting on Documents
CLSI documents undergo periodic evaluation and modication to keep pace with advances in technologies,
procedures, methods, and protocols affecting the laboratory or health care.
CLSI’s consensus process depends on experts who volunteer to serve as contributing authors and/or as participants
in the reviewing and commenting process. At the end of each comment period, the committee that developed
the document is obligated to review all comments, respond in writing to all substantive comments, and revise the
draft document as appropriate.
Comments on published CLSI documents are equally essential and may be submitted by anyone, at any time, on
any document. All comments are managed according to the consensus process by a committee of experts.
Appeal Process
When it is believed that an objection has not been adequately considered and responded to, the process for
appeal, documented in the CLSI Standards Development Policies and Processes, is followed.
All comments and responses submitted on draft and published documents are retained on le at CLSI and are
available upon request.
Get Involved—Volunteer!
Do you use CLSI documents in your workplace? Do you see room for improvement? Would you like to get
involved in the revision process? Or maybe you see a need to develop a new document for an emerging
technology? CLSI wants to hear from you. We are always looking for volunteers. By donating your time and talents
to improve the standards that affect your own work, you will play an active role in improving public health across
the globe.
For additional information on committee participation or to submit comments, contact CLSI.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
P: +1.610.688.0100
F: +1.610.688.0700
CLSI M100-Ed34
February 2024
Replaces CLSI M100-Ed33
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
James S. Lewis II, PharmD, FIDSA
Amy J. Mathers, MD, D(ABMM)
April M. Bobenchik, PhD, D(ABMM)
Alexandra Lynn Bryson, PhD, D(ABMM)
Shelley Campeau, PhD, D(ABMM)
Sharon K. Cullen, BS, RAC
Tanis Dingle, PhD, D(ABMM), FCCM
Marcelo F. Galas, BSc
Romney M. Humphries, PhD, D(ABMM), FIDSA
Thomas J. Kirn, Jr., MD, PhD
Brandi Limbago, PhD
Virginia M. Pierce, MD, FIDSA
Sandra S. Richter, MD, D(ABMM), FIDSA
Michael Satlin, MD, MS
Audrey N. Schuetz, MD, MPH, D(ABMM)
Susan Sharp, PhD, D(ABMM), F(AAM)
Patricia J. Simner, PhD, D(ABMM)
Pranita D. Tamma, MD, MHS
Melvin P. Weinstein, MD
The data in the tables are valid only if the methodologies in CLSI M02,1 M07,2 and M113 are followed. These standards
contain information about disk diffusion (CLSI M021) and dilution (CLSI M072 and CLSI M113) test procedures for
aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Clinicians depend heavily on information from the microbiology laboratory for
treating their seriously ill patients. The clinical importance of antimicrobial susceptibility test results demands that
these tests be performed under optimal conditions and that laboratories have the capability to provide results for
the newest antimicrobial agents. The tables presented in CLSI M100 represent the most current information for drug
selection, interpretation, and quality control using the procedures standardized in CLSI M02,1 M07,2 and M11.3 Users
should replace previously published tables with these new tables. Changes in the tables since the previous edition
appear in boldface type.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing.
34th ed. CLSI supplement M100 (ISBN 978-1-68440-220-5 [Print]; ISBN 978-1-68440-221-2 [Electronic]). Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute, USA, 2024.
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute consensus process, which is the mechanism for moving a document through
two or more levels of review by the health care community, is an ongoing process. Users should expect revised editions of any
given document. Because rapid changes in technology may affect the procedures, methods, and protocols in a standard or
guideline, users should replace outdated editions with the current editions of CLSI documents. Current editions are listed in
the CLSI catalog and posted on our website at www.clsi.org.
If you or your organization is not a member and would like to become one, or to request a copy of the catalog, contact us at:
P: +1.610.688.0100 F: +1.610.688.0700 E: customerservice@clsi.org W: www.clsi.org
CLSI M100-Ed34
Copyright ©2024 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Except as stated below, any reproduction of content
from a CLSI copyrighted standard, guideline, or other product or material requires express written consent from
CLSI. All rights reserved. Interested parties may send permission requests to permissions@clsi.org.
CLSI hereby grants permission to each individual member or purchaser to make a single reproduction of this
publication for use in its laboratory procedures manual at a single site. To request permission to use this
publication in any other manner, e-mail permissions@clsi.org.
To read CLSI’s full Copyright Policy, please visit our website at https://clsi.org/terms-of-use/.
Suggested Citation
CLSI. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. 34th ed. CLSI supplement M100. Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute; 2024.
Previous Editions:
December 1986, December 1987, December 1991, December 1992, December 1994, December 1995, January
1997, January 1998, January 1999, January 2000, January 2001, January 2002, January 2003, January 2004, January
2005, January 2006, January 2007, January 2008, January 2009, January 2010, June 2010, January 2011, January
2012, January 2013, January 2014, January 2015, January 2016, January 2017, January 2018, January 2019, January
2020, March 2021, February 2022, March 2023
CLSI M100-Ed34
ISBN 978-1-68440-220-5 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-68440-221-2 (Electronic)
ISSN 1558-6502 (Print)
ISSN 2162-2914 (Electronic) Volume 44, Number 5

标签: #临床


CLSI M100-2024 ED34 是美国临床实验室标准化研究所制定的抗菌药物敏感性试验性能标准,第34版,简称clsi100,CLSI M100。其主要为临床实验室进行抗菌药物敏感性试验提供统一标准和规范,确保不同实验室药敏试验结果的可比性和可靠性,为临床医生选药提供依据。新增舒巴坦 - 度洛巴坦的折点;新增沙门氏菌和志贺氏菌的表 2a-2;修订米诺环素针对嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌、利奈唑胺对葡萄球菌属的折点 。将抗菌药物推荐分组更新为四个等级。删除头孢他啶对嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌、洋葱伯克霍尔德复合体对部分药物的纸片扩散法折点.

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作者:史蒂文 分类:国外协会 价格:30星币 属性:416 页 大小:46.34MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-12-03


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