AATCC 第98版 2023年全套合集含154个标准

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Copyright © 2022 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
Volume 98, 2023
P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
Tel: +1.919.549.8141; Fax: +1.919.549.8933
AATCC takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in these test
methods and evaluation procedures. Users of the AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures are expressly
advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their
own responsibility.
The test methods in the AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures are subject to revision at any time by the
responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and, if not revised, either reaffirmed or withdrawn. Your
comments are invited either for revision of current methods in this technical manual or for additional methods and should be
addressed to the AATCC Technical Center. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing, you should make your
views known to Erika Simmons, Technical Director, at the address shown below.
The AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures is copyrighted by AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle
Park, NC 27709 USA. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of any method may be obtained by contacting AATCC at
the above address or tel: +1.919.549.3526; fax:+ 1.919.549.8933, e-mail: ordering@aatcc.org, or online at www.aatcc.org.
AATCC License Agreement: The AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures is copyrighted by the American
Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), P.O. Box 12215, 1 Davis Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC USA. All
rights reserved.
AATCC grants you a license as follows: The right to download an electronic file from this AATCC Manual of International Test
Methods and Procedures for storage on one computer for purposes of viewing, and/or printing one copy of any AATCC Test
Method for individual use for one year. Neither the electronic file nor the hard copy print may be reproduced in any way. In
addition, the electronic file may not be distributed elsewhere over computer networks or otherwise. The hard copy print may
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This AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures is not for resale.
Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
Provided by Accuris under license with AATCC
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Not for Resale, 11/23/2023 20:10:19 MST
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Go to Table of Contents
Copyright © 2022 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
Copyright © 2022 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
ISBN-13 Print: 978-1-942323-20-4
ISBN-13 PDF: 978-1-942323-21-1
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 85-647500
Copyright Permission: AATCC has contracted with Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC)
such that permission requests to photocopy or otherwise reproduce copyrighted material owned
by AATCC for internal or personal use beyond the fair use provision of the Copyright Act
should be submitted to CCC, tel: +1.978.750.8400; fax: +1.978.750.4470; web site: www.copy-
right.com; e-mail: info@copyright.com. Copying for other than internal or personal use without
express permission of AATCC is prohibited. Address requests for customized bulk reprints to
AATCC Bulk Reprints, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215, tel:
+1.919.549.8141; fax: +1.919.549.8933.
Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
Provided by Accuris under license with AATCC
Licensee=Underwriters Laboratories - Ho Chi Ming City, Vie/5909636157, User=Le,
Not for Resale, 11/23/2023 20:10:19 MST
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from Accuris
Copyright © 2022 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
Table of Contents
Preface....................................................................................... 4
List of AATCC Standards
Numerical (Current) .............................................................. 5
Numerical (Discontinued)..................................................... 8
Alphabetical (Current)........................................................... 11
Topical (Current) ................................................................... 14
Changes in 2022 Manual of International Test Methods
and Procedures ...................................................................... 18
Test Methods ............................................................................. 20
Laboratory Procedures..............................................................463
Evaluation Procedures ..............................................................472
Monographs ..............................................................................507
Administrative Committees ......................................................548
Interest Groups..........................................................................551
Past Presidents (Living) ............................................................551
Research Committees ...............................................................552
Reference Committees..............................................................561
AATCC Representatives to Other Organizations .....................562
Foundation Board of Directors .................................................562
Joint Report ECR/TCR .............................................................563
Reports of Research Committees..............................................566
Navigation Tips
All bookmarks (on the left side of your screen) are links that will
take you directly to the list of test methods (move your mouse
over a bookmark and click once). All blue text in this document
is a direct link to the referenced text. To access a method or
document, simply point to it with your mouse and click once. To
return to the Table of Contents or a specific list, click on one of
the bookmarks on the left. To access the previously viewed page,
press the ALT Key + the Left Arrow.
Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
Provided by Accuris under license with AATCC
Licensee=Underwriters Laboratories - Ho Chi Ming City, Vie/5909636157, User=Le,
Not for Resale, 11/23/2023 20:10:19 MST
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from Accuris
Copyright © 2022 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
4 AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures/2023
HE standards in this volume of the Manual of Interna-
Ttional Test Methods and Procedures were current as of
July 2022. New standards that have been added and other
important changes made since the last volume are summarized
on page 18.
AATCC standards are developed by research committees
through extensive investigations and interlaboratory compar-
isons, often covering several years of work. Simplicity, re-
producibility, applicability, cost of performing the test and
the time required to perform the test are all important consid-
erations in each development.
Before a standard is published in the Manual of Inter-
national Test Methods and Procedures, it must be approved
by the responsible research committee and the Technical
Committee on Research (TCR).
During the first three years of publication, each new stan-
dard is reviewed annually, at which time, on recommenda-
tion of the research committee and approval by TCR, it may
be reaffirmed, revised or withdrawn. After the first three
years, each standard is reviewed at least once every five
years by the research committee, and following approval by
TCR, may be reaffirmed, revised or withdrawn. The record
of these actions is published in an activity history at the
beginning or end of each standard.
An important feature of all AATCC test methods is that
test results are numerically quantified. Methods do not in-
clude pass/fail criteria for materials or processes. AATCC
policy prohibits endorsement of such specifications, require-
ments, or acceptance criteria. These must be agreed upon by
the interested parties.
Each standard is designated by AATCC, then the letters
TM, LP, EP, or M as appropriate, a number (no space), a
dash, and the four-digit year of the latest revision. Additional
technical changes within the same year are signified by a
small “t” following the year. Reaffirmations—with no
changes—are signified by a year in parentheses following
the year of latest revision. Editorial changes are signified by
a small “e” following the year. The designation should be
quoted in full in referring to a standard, as for example,
AATCC M12-2020, Style Guide for Writing Test Methods
and Procedures (page 521) is the defining document used by
research committees in writing these methods. M13-2017e,
Rules of Procedure for AATCC Test Method and Technol-
ogy Committees (page 528) is the defining document for the
organization and functioning of these research committees.
Prior to 1969, the Manual of International Test Methods
and Procedures also contained the Buyers Guide and the
AATCC Membership Directory, now both available online.
The general content of the Manual of International Test
Methods and Procedures has continued unchanged since
Major changes in layout of the Manual of International
Test Methods and Procedures were made in 1985 as follows:
(1) indexes were grouped at the front of the book; (2) test
methods were arranged in numerical order; (3) A Glossary of
AATCC Standard Terminology was added and (4) the
AATCC Style Guide for Writing Test Methods and Proce-
dures was added.
In 1989, evaluation procedures were listed immediately
after the test methods.
In 2012, monographs were given number designations and
were included as a separate item in the numerical and topical
indexes for easy access.
In 2019, laboratory procedures were listed between test
methods and evaluation procedures. The glossary and style
guide were numbered as monographs.
In 2020, the official designations and titles for all stan-
dards were updated.
In 2021, new, revised, reaffirmed, editorially revised, and
editorially revised and reaffirmed methods were aligned to
the AATCC style guidelines. The official title was changed
from Technical Manual of the American Association of Tex-
tile Chemists and Colorists to the American Association of
Textile Chemists and Colorists Manual of International Test
Methods and Procedures.
Norma Keyes, Chair
Adi B. Chehna
Karen Dickerman
Heather Elliot
Angela Massengill
Shawn Meeks
Erika Simmons
Adam Varley
Diana Wyman
Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
Provided by Accuris under license with AATCC
Licensee=Underwriters Laboratories - Ho Chi Ming City, Vie/5909636157, User=Le,
Not for Resale, 11/23/2023 20:10:19 MST
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from Accuris

2023 年,AATCC 发布了第 98 版《国际测试方法和程序手册》,全套150多个标准。包含AATCC TM214-2022、AATCC LP04-2023、AATCC LP5-2023等新制定标准,以及 AATCC TM16.1-2023 耐光色牢度测试方法、AATCC TM20A-2021e 纤维分析测试方法等修订标准。

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